Bought with a price, no longer my own -
Such a wonderful life, as never I've known.

The shed blood of Christ made me whole -
Now I am His, a sheep in the fold.

Filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory;
Reaching out to others with the old, old story

Of that rugged cross where He paid for our sin,
That we might be delivered and cleansed within.

Though bought with a price as a slave would be,
As new creatures in Him, we are set free -

Free to live a Godly life, Given power over sin and strife,

Enabled to walk in the Spirit each day,
As we travel along life's narrow way.

Yes, a bond servant to Christ, yet totally free -
Salvation by grace, a great mystery.

Repent and believe, surrendering your all,
As you respond on your knees to the Master's call.

This is all God requires you to do -
Payment In Full has been made for you.

"For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit; which are God's."

(1 Cor. 6:20)

Connie Campbell Bratcher